Student Handbook

Published: February 7, 2021Updated: October 16, 2024

Philosophy and overview


Our system of education is based on the belief that all true wisdom and knowledge comes from God.  The mission of Lakeview Christian School is to know Jesus, to serve others and to succeed academically.

History and Location

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada operates a system of schools that began in 1872.  Lakeview Christian School is located on Vancouver Island approximately mid-way between Sidney and Victoria in a picturesque setting overlooking Elk Lake.  The school opened its doors in January 1987 as a result of the amalgamation of Vancouver Island Junior Academy in Sidney and Hillside Adventist School in Victoria.


Lakeview Christian School is operated by the Victoria and Rest Haven Seventh-day Adventist churches and the British Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is accredited by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist’s Commission on Accreditation. All teachers in the school are provincially certified.


The specific objectives of the school are as follows:

SpiritualTo encourage and help students to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, a true knowledge of God, and a desire to do His will.

MentalTo help students develop habits of accuracy, discrimination, and sound judgment, based on Christian principles and to provide academic training in a variety of subjects which will allow students to move successfully to other learning institutions.

SocialTo help students develop a desirable personality, while learning to value, respect and relate to others in loving and considerate ways.

PhysicalTo teach and encourage students to develop a healthy life-style, enabling them to enjoy personal health so that they can be of service to God and man.

General Information

School Insurance

Basic minimum 24-hour accident coverage is included in the registration fee.

Daily Schedule

School hours are 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Thursday.  School closes early Friday at 2:30 pm to accommodate Sabbath preparation.

Students are expected to arrive on the school grounds no more than fifteen minutes before classes start and to remain no longer than thirty minutes following their last regular school activity.


Students are required to attend school regularly and be on time.  Parents are requested to phone or email the school when their child is absent, stating the reason for it.

Students are required to remain on the grounds throughout the school day.  Any permission to leave the grounds must be approved by the principal and will only be given in exceptional circumstances.  In such circumstances an effort will be made to contact the parents or guardians to inform them of the student leaving the school.


Bicycles brought to school must be left in the bicycle racks during school hours and are not to be ridden during school hours.


Students are encouraged to bring lunches to school that are balanced and nutritious.  One of the goals of the school is to promote principles of good health; therefore, each student is requested to respect, recognize and reasonably cooperate with the health and dietary principles of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.


Lakeview Christian School is a Christian School.  We therefore look for those who attend to desire an education with this special emphasis.  All are expected to abide by the standards of the school and conduct themselves as courteous Christian young people.  Admission to the school is considered a privilege for those students who appreciate its unique character and ideals.


Activities which may result in suspension and/or dismissal include (but are not necessarily limited to the following):

  1. Using, handling, possessing or supplying the following: tobacco in any form, vaping or vaping paraphernalia, alcoholic beverages, narcotics or drug paraphernalia;
  2. Gambling;
  3. Dishonesty, stealing or cheating;
  4. Undermining the ideals or beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church;
  5. Willful damage of any personal or school property. The student will be responsible for the cost of repairing the damage;
  6. Insubordination or defiance shown to teachers or staff members or inciting such;
  7. Tampering with or misusing school firefighting equipment or the fire alarm system;
  8. Using profane language, possessing or displaying obscene literature or pictures, or indulging in lewd conduct or suggestions;
  9. Possessing or using firearms, other dangerous weapons, explosives or incendiaries of any kind;
  10. Improper conduct involving persons of the opposite sex; and
  11. Conspiracy or participation in any act that injures or disgraces another student.

Students who are involved in disciplinary action in the public domain (such as by the Police Department), may become involved in LCS disciplinary actions, as the student(s) did not represent the values and standards encouraged by the school.

Discipline Process

There are six stages in the discipline process:

1. Student-Teacher  (Teacher keeps a record)

At this stage, the teacher will talk to the student about their problem-causing behavior and inform them that they are now at Stage One in the discipline process.  It is left to the discretion of each teacher when they believe a student is eligible for this stage.

2. Student-Teacher-Parents  (Teacher keeps a record)

If unacceptable behaviour continues, then the teacher will contact the parents and ask them to come into the school to discuss their child’s conduct.  At this point the principal will not be involved unless it is requested by one of the parties involved.  If the principal is asked to be present then it automatically becomes the next stage, Stage Three.  If the principal is not present at this meeting, he/she will be made aware that it is taking place.

3. Student-Teacher-Parents-Principal  (Principal keeps a record)

The parties will meet at the school to try to further work out a plan to resolve the student’s behavioural problem.

4. Discipline Committee  (Principal keeps a record)

If a student’s behaviour is still causing problems, that student’s name may be brought to the Discipline Committee.  Both the student and the parents will be made aware that the student has now reached this stage in the discipline process.  The Discipline Committee will recommend any further action to be taken by the school staff or they may recommend the student’s name be presented to the School Board for dismissal.

5. Appeals Committee  (Minutes recorded)

Parents may appeal the decision of the Discipline Committee, and present their case to the Appeals Committee.  This is the final step of the parents’ appeal.  (See Appeal Procedure Form).

6. School Board  (Minutes recorded)

The student’s name will be presented to the School Board for dismissal.  The student and parents will be informed that this step is about to be taken.  This is the final stage in the process and the decision reached will be noted in the minutes of the School Board meeting.


At any stage in this process suspension of the student is possible; suspension may be for a maximum duration of two weeks.  Suspension, which requires action by the principal, automatically places the student at Stage Four.  A student may wish to talk to the principal at any stage of the discipline process.  The student and the parents have a right to request a review of action taken by appealing their case to the Appeals Committee.  They may not appeal to higher stages until they have followed the stages of the discipline process as outlined above.  If this is not done, they will be referred back to the appropriate stage.

[*An Appellant may have a right to appeal a decision of the School Board to the K-12 Board of Education for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, BC Conference.  For more information contact the BC Conference Office of Education.]


(Complete Policies are available in the Office)

Internet Use Policy

Use of the internet will conform to the ethical and moral standards of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.  Among the behaviors not permitted:

1. Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures;

2. Using obscene or racist language in public or private messages;

3. Harassing, insulting or attacking others;

4. Damaging hardware or software;

5. Violating copyright laws;

6. Using another’s password; and

7. Using the network to access or distribute illegal or illicit material.

Admissions Policy

Families wishing to apply for admission to LCS must complete an application package and submit all required documentation.  Applications for admission will be evaluated based on previous student grades, attendance records, teacher/principal recommendations, parent cooperation and observation of the prospective student in academic and social settings.

A payment plan for tuition and all required fees must be agreed to before enrollment occurs.  Please see the Admission section for payment options.

Special Learning Needs

LCS will enroll a student with special learning needs only if it can provide an appropriate educational program.  LCS may decline applications for students with special learning needs if the school determines their needs cannot be met.

Families of prospective students with special learning needs will inform LCS of any relevant educational and/or medical recommendations made by clinical professionals upon application for admission and provide all necessary documentation before the student may be enrolled.  Any nondisclosure of special learning needs may result in forfeiture of enrollment.

LCS reserves the right to re-evaluate the enrollment of students with special learning needs at any time during their education and dismiss students whose needs cannot be met by the school.

Non-Discrimination Policy

One of the core values of Seventh-day Adventist education driving our mission is accessibility.  Seventh-day Adventist education will be accessible and affordable for all who are willing to make Christian education a sacrificial priority and accept the terms in the LCS Handbook.

The safety and wellbeing of children in Seventh-day Adventist schools is of paramount importance.  Children deserve to be protected from abuse, neglect, bullying, harm or threat of harm.  Therefore, all Seventh- day Adventist Church, BC Conference schools will ensure that children attending these schools experience a learning environment that enables every child to feel safe, accepted and respected.

Student Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances or requests and other conduct of a sexual nature which is offensive.  It can be spoken, written or physical behaviour.  It includes offensive pictures, graffiti, jokes and gestures.

LCS is committed to providing a school environment free from sexual harassment.  Incidents of harassment should be reported to school authorities as soon as possible so appropriate action can be taken.  Students who sexually harass others are subject to discipline up to and including dismissal.

If the harassment comes from an adult, the student should report directly to the Principal or another responsible adult.

Child Abuse Policy

Everyone who has reason to believe that a child has been or is likely to be physically harmed, sexually abused or sexually exploited by a parent or other person, or needs protection, is legally responsible to report the incident or situation promptly to a Child Protection Social Worker.

Abuse can be recognized as:  physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, emotional abuse, or sexual exploitation.

Supervision Policy

Teachers are responsible for supervision from 15 prior to the start of the school day until 30 min after the end of the school day.  During school events outside of these hours, parents are responsible for their child(ren)’s behaviour.

Anti-bullying Policy

LCS Board members and Staff are committed to providing a compassionate, receptive and non-threatening atmosphere for each and every one of our pupils to learn and succeed in.  We believe this to be an outgrowth of our values as an intentionally Christian community.  We believe that love and respect are foundations for our relationships with God and others.  Accordingly, we have a “zero-tolerance” policy against bullying, meaning that bullying of any sort is deemed unacceptable in our school community.  If bullying does occur, students should be assured of the fact that all incidents will be addressed quickly and fairly.

Bullying is defined as a pattern, or extreme incident, of aggression, intimidation and/or cruelty.  Bullying carries the ramification of causing pain and stress to the victim.  Bullying is never justified and is not excusable as “kids being kids,” “just teasing” or any other rationalization.

Specific types of bullying may include, but are not limited to:

Emotional:  Being deliberately unkind, shunning, excluding, or tormenting.  Examples:  forcing another student to be “left out” of a game or activity, passing notes making fun of a victim, or making threatening faces or gestures.

Physical:  Pushing, kicking, hitting, tripping, punching or using any other sort of violence against a victim.  Examples:  shoving a victim into lockers while changing classes in the hallway, throwing bottles or other objects at a victim.

Racial/Intolerance:  Taunts, slurs and/or physical threats directed around a victim’s race, religion or ethnicity.  Examples:  spreading graffiti with racial slurs.

Sexual:  Initiating and/or executing unwanted physical contact, making sexually threatening and/or abusive comments.  Examples:  Grabbing a victim’s body, using derogatory labels such as “slut”.

Verbal:  Name-calling, ridiculing, using words to attack, threaten or insult.  Examples:  spreading rumors, making fun of a student’s appearance, mannerisms or intelligence.

Please note that an instance of bullying may fall into more than one “category” listed above.

Bullying Report/Response Procedures

1. All bullying incidents should be reported immediately to a staff member.

2. Staff members will record all reported bullying incidents and may share them with the principal.

3. Parents of both victim and perpetrator may be informed and summoned to the school for a meeting about the problem.

4. In severe instances, local police may be contacted.

5. The bullying behavior or threats will be investigated quickly and fully, with both victim and perpetrator informed that the behavior will/must stop immediately.

6. The bullying perpetrator may meet with a designated staff member and (if they are willing to cooperate) his/her parents to understand the seriousness of his/her actions (to include placing themselves in the victim’s shoes to appreciate the undesirable effects of the behavior), and to learn appropriate means of changing behavior.

7. The bully may be asked to genuinely apologize to the victim either in person or in writing.

8. There may be a range of punitive responses up to suspension for the perpetrator.

9. After the incident has been thoroughly investigated and dealt with, staff will monitor both students (including regular “check-ins”) to ensure that bullying does not resume or reoccur.

Selecting and Applying Responses

Staff is aware that consequences must fit with the age of the student, his/her social development, and the situation.  Staff apply “rising expectations” as students enter higher grades.  In addition, staff will consider whether the bullying incident was a repeat or copy of earlier incidents.  Staff apply rising consequences if a student repeats a previously addressed behaviour.  Natural consequences go hand-in-hand with teaching acceptable behavior and working to assist the child who bullied to replace negative behaviours with positive.  The school’s first response always is to teach.

Responses may include, but are not limited to:

·       Referral to a school chaplain

·       Reflection sheet/discussion

·       Written or verbal apologies (if appropriate for the situation)

·       Relevant learning task (e.g. writing in response to a posed scenario)

·       Parent conferences

·       Loss of privileges

·       Loss of access

·       Being placed under specific supervision

·       Restorative justice

·       Involvement of the Discipline Committee

·       Involvement of a Peace Officer

·       In-school loss of time

·       In-school suspension

·       Out-of-school suspension

·       Referral to a community program or services

·       Transfer to another school

·       Expulsion (the principal does not have the authority to expel a student, this must be an action of the School Board)

LCS has two representatives for the Ministry of Education’s ERASE PROGRAM (Expect Respect and A Safe Education).

School Uniform

The LCS uniform consists of selected items of clothing.  Students are to be aware that they are representing not only themselves and their families but LCS as well.  All students shall therefore maintain a neat, clean and respectable appearance at all times when on school property, participating in a school-sponsored event, or when wearing clothing that identifies them as students of LCS.

1. Students are to maintain a pair of shoes for indoor use only.  These shoes shall be suitable for athletic use, and shall have non-marking soles.

2. As a matter of respect, jackets, coats, hats are not to be worn in classrooms during school hours.

3. In keeping with the Christian principles of simplicity and modesty, students are requested to refrain from the wearing of jewelry.  Make-up and hair color must not be conspicuous and unnatural.

4.  The Principal, under the general guidance of the School Board, will provide policy interpretation.


In those instances where a student does not abide by the uniform policy, s/he will be subject to the LCS discipline process.

Students may choose to wear any combination of items listed below (all tops and sweaters must have the LCS logo):

Basic Uniform

Tops: Polo Shirts in White, Navy or Burgundy with LCS logo.

Boys: Navy cotton twill slacks, dress slacks or walking shorts. 

Girls: Navy cotton twill slacks, dress slacks, skirts, skorts.

Gym uniform

Navy T-shirt with LCS logo and navy basketball shorts.

Other Uniform

Other uniform items are navy sweatshirts, hoodies with LCS logo. Leggings may only be worn under skirts, skorts and must be either navy or black.

Dress Uniform  

Boys: white button down shirt with navy dress or cotton twill slacks, black or navy socks and black or navy shoes.

Girls: white button down shirt with navy dress, skirt or dress slacks, navy, black or white tights or socks and black or navy shoes.

Christian Emphasis Week

Assemblies are conducted each day throughout Christian Emphasis Week for the purpose of emphasizing Christian ideals in behaviour and lifestyle.  Students are encouraged to accept Jesus as their Friend and Saviour.


Visitors are welcome but are required to report to the office before going to any classroom.  Students are not to bring friends to the school without prior permission from the principal.


Lockers are available for student use and should be secured with a combination lock.  The school reserves the right to inspect lockers at any time it is deemed necessary.  Lockers should be kept tidy and clean at all times.  The school does not accept responsibility for lost items.  Students are expected to leave lockers in the condition in which they found them.  Any personal belongings kept at school are the responsibility of the student and should be secured in the student’s locker.


The library contains books for reference and pleasure reading.  Books in the Reference section may not be removed from the school under any circumstances.  Only properly checked out books are to leave the school.  Students failing to return books or returning them in a damaged condition will be held liable for the replacement cost of the book(s).

Lost and Found

Name tags, especially for the primary grades, are recommended to be put on student’s clothes in order to identify lost articles.  Articles in the “lost and found” will periodically be donated to charity or disposed of.

Electronic Equipment

Smartphones/cell phones, video games, etc. are not to be used during classes without a teacher’s permission.  This also applies during all school-sanctioned field trips.

Volunteer Information

Any person who may be volunteering regularly to help with any school function or activity is required to fill out a “Police Record Check for Volunteers” form. The results will be kept on file in the school office. Occasional volunteers need to fill out a Statutory Declaration.


When private vehicles are used to transport students participating in a school activity, each driver must complete a School Use of Private Vehicle form which states:

·       That s/he carries a valid driver’s license and a minimum of $2,000,000 liability insurance

·       That s/he will act in accordance with the BC Motor Vehicle Act with regard to the use of seat belts

·       The vehicle is in good mechanical shape and road worthiness

This form will be kept on file in the school office along with a photocopy of the driver’s vehicle insurance papers.

Supervising teacher(s) of the event will ensure that:

·       There is a separate seat belt available for each passenger

·       Elementary students do not occupy passenger seats equipped with air bags

·       Students in the lower grades need to use a booster seat (provided by LCS)

Parent responsibilities:

Further to the BC Motor Vehicle Act with regard to the use of child restraint seats, should a parent have specific concerns they must make them known to the office at the start of school and should a child restraint seat be required, it must be provided by the parent.

Weather – school closure due to inclement weather

In the event of snow, power outages or other major storms, please listen to CFAX 1070 AM, The Q100.3 FM or CBC Radio 90.5 FM for information on school closures.  Messages will be provided by newscasters from 6:00 am onward.  We will only close the school when police and/or the School District 63 Transportation Department indicate that the roads are unsafe for travel.  We request that parents ensure that the school is open prior to dropping off children in very poor weather conditions.

It is important to remember that if you hear no announcements or receive no phone call, then it is likely the school is open.  We will let you know if one of the following has been decided:

·       School is opening late

·       School is not in session but is open for supervision only

·       School is closed

Academic Information

Lakeview Christian School provides excellent, high quality education and is accountable to three organizations for academic quality monitoring: the BC Ministry of Education, the BC SDA Office of Education and the SDACC Office of Education. Evaluations are conducted regularly and Lakeview Christian School consistently exceeds expectations for curriculum planning and delivery. Students also participate regularly in standardized testing for the BC Ministry of Education and for the SDACC.

Upon enrollment, students are assigned to the appropriate learning level based on their age, maturity, ability, and previous educational experience if applicable.  Students’ progress from one grade to another is based on their mastery of expected learning skills and achievement of learning goals.  Readiness for the next level of learning challenges is a major consideration for promotion.

Grading System

Under Construction to be in line with the Ministry of Education's new guidelines.

Admission Information

The administration reserves the right to refuse any applicant who will not be well served by the school or whose influence it is felt will undermine the school’s objectives and standards.  All new students enter the school on a 90-day probationary period.

For entrance into grade one, we will accept students who are six years old by December 31 of that school year.

Financial Information

The Seventh-day Adventist educational system is the second largest in the world and operates Christian schools from kindergarten to university.  The local Seventh-day Adventist churches believe the words of Christ that “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind,” Luke 10:27.  For many years they have given high priority to teaching children in an environment which not only emphasizes excellent academics, but also draws them to know Jesus Christ.  The school board and teachers provide an excellent learning environment at a tuition rate which is affordable for most individuals.  Families who need financial assistance may contact the Principal and fill out the financial aid application form for consideration.

The school is funded by five sources:

  • Tuition and registration fees

  • Subsidies from Victoria and Rest Haven Seventh-day Adventist churches

  • The BC Conference of Seventh-day Adventist

  • BC Ministry of Education

  • Donations by individuals


Admission Procedures

New students

Step 1 Submit New Student Registration Package including:

Step 1 Submit New Student Registration package including:

  1. Admission Checklist and Payment Plan

  2. Student Registration Form

  3. Medical Form

  4. Education History and Commitment

  5. Privacy and Internet Use and Permission for Internet/Email

  6. Legal Residency of Parents or Legal Guardians

  7. Request for student records transfer form

Step 2 Submit Supporting Documentation

  1. Academic transcripts or report cards from previous school - last year completed and any subsequent reports

  2. Student's birth certificate if born in Canada or Student's Canadian Passport, Citizen Card, PR Card or Landing Paper if not born in Canada

  3. Student's BC Care Card number

  4. Student's immunization record

  5. Parent or Guardian's birth certificate if born in Canada or Parent or Guardian's Canadian Passport, Citizen Card, PR Card or Landing Paper if not born in Canada

  6. Proof of Residency - photocopy of an official bill or statement with your name and address on it from one of the following: utility company, government agency, insurance agency, bank or financial institution, etc.

Step 3 Schedule Teacher/Principal meeting with student and parents

Step 4 Pay school fees, first month tuition and agree on a payment plan for rest of the school year.

Step 5 Obtain LCS school uniform 

Please note that enrollment is conditional for 90 calendar days with full admission following successful completion of 90-day probationary period

returning students

Step 1 Submit Returning Students Registration package including:

  1. Payment Plan

  2. Returning Student Registration Form

  3. Medical Form - submit only if there are changes from the previous year.

Step 2 Submit medical form if there are any changes from previous year.

Step 3 Pay school fees, first month tuition and agree on payment plan for rest of the school year.

Resident student Tuition rates and fees


Grade K-5  -  $4,250 per year

Grade 6-9  -  $4,500 per year.

Tuition rates are set by the school board.  Accounts are expected to be paid promptly.  A 5% discount will be applied to tuition for full payment at the beginning of the year. Payments may be made monthly through postdated cheques or on line through Adventist School Pay.

If accounts cannot be paid as scheduled, please consult with the Principal.


  • $175.00 New Student Registration Fee and Earthquake Kit (non-refundable)
  • $150.00 Annual School Fees


If you have more than one child in the school, the following discounts will apply, based on the student in the highest grade.

Second student     15% discount

Third student        30% discount

Additional students      50% discount

5% discount will be offered to parents who pay the FULL tuition at once.

Financial assistance may be available through the school.  Please contact the office for information.

If students are withdrawn or are asked to leave the school part way through a month there will be no refund of tuition fees for that month.  Students need to indicate withdrawal at least 30 days before leaving LCS.

Home Schooling

Under the provision of the School Act, (Bill 67) of the Province of B.C., and in harmony with policies established by the school board, LCS may register students of parents who prefer to educate their children at home.  Registration and tuition fees may apply.

International student rates and fees


Tuition for non-resident students is $1,200 per month or part thereof ($12,000 for the year), payable upon registration with a non-refundable international money order in Canadian funds. 

The above rate covers textbooks, workbooks and other consumable supplies used by the student.  Textbooks are supplied on a loan basis and students are responsible for returning them in good condition.  If books are not returned at the end of the year or if badly damaged, payment will be required for replacement of these books.


  • $300.00 New International Student Registration Fee and Earthquake Kit (non-refundable)

  • $150 Annual School Fees

  • Agent’s fees may apply

These fees do not include the cost of field trips, sporting events, hot lunch/pizza and other various activities and events.  Non-resident students should come to Canada prepared with approximately $100/month extra for these activities.

Any non-resident student interested in attending LCS must apply for their student visa as early as possible to avoid any delays in registration.  The school may assist with any visa applications.

The school reserves the right to evaluate the student and assign him/her to the appropriate grade level.

Non-resident students are required to wear LCS school uniform.

The school reserves the right to limit the number of ESL students to no more than 25% of each grade/class or no more than 20% of the total school enrollment.

Distributed learning - grades 10-12

Students in grades 10 - 12 can make use of Lakeview Christian School as a resource centre if they are enrolled with Westcoast Adventist School in the distributed learning program. Students may use our resources and take part in activities such as physical education, band, choir, drama, art, Bible etc. and receive credit through Westcoast Adventist School.


There is no tuition fee for Westcoast Adventist School


  • $175 New Student Registration Fee and Earthquake Kit (non-refundable)

  • $150 Annual School Fees (non-refundable)

  • $350.00 monthly for resource centre use and participation


Textbook loan

Textbooks are supplied on a loan basis and students are responsible for returning them in good condition.  If books are not returned at the end of the year or if badly damaged, payment will be required for replacement of these books.